Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Coaches Corner~Farming

Seedtime and harvest is a very misunderstood phenomenal. Though it is misunderstood there's no doubt that life operates on a seedtime and harvest principle. You get something based on what you put in. We have talked about how delivering content like webinars, and like PDFs with information on them, we've talked about how they impact your business, and how that is one component of giving, and that if you want to be successful in business, hugely successful, then you have to start giving and maybe there is a good place to start. Many of the people that are identified as phenomenal wage earners, phenomenal money earners, were not trying to accrue wealth when they started out. Henry Ford was not trying to become filthy rich, Anthony Robins  was not trying to become filthy rich, Bill Gates was not trying to become filthy rich. The list goes on and on. Those people who have become filthy rich though, they often offer you the ability to become successful by doing what they did. They often tell you that you can achieve wealth by doing step one, two, three, and four.

There are some steps that you can take to enhance your wealth, to enhance reaching the people, to enhance the seed that you are sowing. If you are sowing seeds simply to achieve wealth, you maybe on the wrong train, and of course that's just my opinion, you can accept it, or not accept it. Consider how you've been chasing wealth so far, and consider how unsuccessful you have been. Consider how many network marketing companies you have signed up in, and consider how they have not panned out  Pay attention to the reason that you signed up in these network marketing companies, and you signed up in these companies because someone promised you wealth. I was just recently introduced to a lady named Byron Katie, and Byron Katie has sold me completely on the fact, that whether or not you are wealthy depends on your mindset. It is how you leverage the power of your mind that determines how much wealth you have.

My story is simply this, you cannot sit in front of your computer, look at some PowerPoint slides speaking to your microphone, prepare a webinar and think that is going to change your life, because it is not. Many people do that and webinars now have become one of the prime tools that people use to sell on the internet. Only the really, really great presenters manage to do that. Because one thing that you need to do on a webinar is you need to establish rapport, you need to do things that's going to get the persons interactive with you while on the webinar, and when you only have a voice, and some slides well, that's a bit difficult to do. The point of this blog is to encourage you to use your imagination in the seed that you're planting. I'm encouraging you to pay attention to the adage that says, "watch what everybody else is doing, and then do the opposite of what they do, and you will achieve success."

Where is your heart? What do you care about? What is important to you in your life? This wealth, the financial success that you are seeking, once you achieve this financial success, what are you going to do with it? When you achieve the financial success, what you choose to do with your money, basically tells you where your heart is. For instance, as I get further and further up the financial food chain, I will have more and more to say about how your insides impact your outside. I will be talking about things like how Jim Carrey stated that he wishes that everyone had financial wealth so they will know that it's not really about that. Understand that your life is about how you feel. No matter what else it is that you're doing, if you're not feeling phenomenal, then you're not going to consider your life a success.

This is evidenced by many people with 7, 8-figure bank accounts that have jumped off of bridges, that have taken pills, that have just simply not been happy. Now that you know that it is not achieving wealth that you're after, spend some time and think about what it is that you would do with the wealth. As you decide what to do with the wealth, then the mechanics of achieving wealth, or the technical steps involved in getting what you want out of the public, then that becomes an issue and that's where I am. The majority of products sold on the internet as I said is sold by webinars, but your webinar is not going to sell anything if you're just simply speaking into a microphone, and showing people slides.

There is this new phenomenon called the Videomar . What the Videomar does is that Videomar places you in the frame with your slides. From it's inception, when you create your webinar you create your slides with an extra bit of space with just a place where the presenter can actually show their image. Where they are actually looking at you, and speaking to you and you are looking at them in their eyes and as you respond to them, you know that you're responding to a real person. You know that the person that you're responding to, actually cares about what they're saying because you'll be able to see them, you'll be able to look them right in the eye. This Videomar is not inexpensive, but when you consider the seedtime and harvest principle, continuing to sow inexpensive seed will get you inexpensive harvests. The product that you are selling on the internet, can be worth upwards of $1,000, $2,000.

In order for you to sell that kind of product, you have to plant that kind of seed. Planting that kind of seed means, that you will more than likely have to spend money to prepare your webinar. The gurus who tell you how simple it is to do a webinar, they already have the wealth that you're seeking. They already have something they're carrying the torch for. Take what they say with a grain of salt.

This blog is intended to sell you as an Extraordinary Coach on the fact that if you don't have something to plant seed, then you will never get a harvest. Being an Extraordinary Coach is one thing, but getting the message out that you are an Extraordinary Coach is something else. If you do not choose to invest in yourself, to invest in the type of webinar services that you use to sell your services, then sadly you will not achieve the success that you are looking for. Finally, if you are simply looking for a success because you want to spend the money, you are never going to get it. You have to develop a passion, you have to develop a call, there must be something that you want to do with the money.

I hope that this blog has gotten you thinking about what you're pursuing, and why you are pursuing it, because that's the reason I do these blogs. As an Extraordinary coach, it is my job to bring thoughts to your mind that you would have never thought of before. You may have never heard of the concept that I gave you this morning, and of course if you've never heard of it you wouldn't go looking for it, and that falls into the realm  of, you don't know what you don't know. That's what you bring to your clients, and that is what I bring to you, an outside objective opinion.

If this has helped you this morning, if this has got you on the right track, why don't you do me a big favor and share it with someone that you care about, someone that can benefit from it, and by all means start to follow my blog. Like I always say at the end of this blogs, you have yourself a good time, until the next time.  

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