Recently, I found myself at a millionaire mind intensive training for coaches. The facilitator is a very bright young man named Taki Moore and he was talking about the difference being in the front of the camera and being behind the camera. As you may now, I have a marketing company called Crave the Spotlight, and I'm also a business coach. I'm also an extraordinary business coach. The point he wanted to make was you get paid very well for being in the front of the camera but not so well for being behind the camera, although being behind the camera is an important place. It's an important skill that someone needs to have.
This weekend, I got the revelation that being behind the camera is no longer going to be a priority for me. Editing my video is no longer going to be a priority for me. From this day forward, as I get videos produced, I will have someone else do that particular part of my marketing efforts. I want to point out to you that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts, and 80% of my results come from 20% of the time I spend in the front of the camera. Evaluate the things that you are doing, and after you evaluate the things that you are doing, let's put them on front street and do a lot more of those things. I hope I've done a good job of selling you in this blog that it is important to produce valuable media, and it is important that some of that media be video.
Finally, I want to share with you that as an extraordinary coach, you can never be sure as to what is valuable and what's not, so I urge you to do more videos, and as you do more videos, find someone else to do the work behind the camera no matter how much you like doing it. You may think it's an added expense. You may think it's something that you don't want to pay for, but I can assure you, as you set the tone for being an extraordinary coach, and as you set the tone for planting the seed, that's going to lead people to know you, like you, and trust you, the money that you pay for in video editing will be money that is well-spent.
I end this blog like I end all of my blogs, which is have a good time until next time. Finally, if this blog has helped you, or if it might help someone you know or someone in your family, I urge you by all means to pass this blog on.
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