I'm talking about when you are totally committed to something, your subconscious mind along with some other forces that I don't clearly understand, does everything it needs to to make what you want come to pass. It is irrefutable that what you think about, you bring about, so let's get into the meat of this particular blog.
I am committed to exercising on my exercise machine which is a Gazelle every day. Mentally, that's what I think about. When I'm not on it, I anticipate getting on it and it has become second nature to me. Recently, I had an occasion to skip a day on my Gazelle. I decided that it was more beneficial to spend some time with my wife that day than it was for me to do anything else. As it turned out, I missed one day on my Gazelle. I had committed to helping a man the next day which would require me to miss two days of my Gazelle. While I was spending the time with my wife, I was thinking about the fact that I hadn't exercised and was agonizing over it a little bit because as I said, I wanted it to be a big part of my life.
What to do? Here I am now, I am committed to getting up very, very early to go pick up my friend, which means that if I get up that early, I won't have time to do the Gazelle. Now, I could have gone to bed earlier and woke up earlier, but that would have meant that I did something that I didn't want to do, which is a different blog. For the purposes of this one, I was committed to taking him, which means that I was going to get up earlier the next morning.
I got up earlier the next morning, I got a text from him that said, "Don't pick me up today. I am not feeling very well." I was up early enough that I could have gone to pick him up but since I wasn't going to go pick him up, I was able to exercise. I was able to use my Gazelle. Now, you might think that it was all a coincidence and you are free to think that it's all a coincidence. I don't believe in coincidences. I believe that all of the thoughts and desires of everybody in the world interact to form the basis of what we know as the world.
I believe that what you think about, you bring about, and that what you want shows up, and that everything that happens to you in your life, you deserve it. I believe that everything that happens to you in your life, you have drawn into your life by the predominant thoughts that you have. Each time I have a situation like one I just described to you, I get ingrained in that line of thinking one more time.
To make matters even more, more interesting, I think that I'm flowing with Holy Ghost. I think that I'm in that flow where God wants his people, even though I'm not a church guy. On the way into the office that same morning, I was driving along and once again I'm thinking, "The car pool lane is nearly empty. Maybe I should move over in the car pool lane," and then I decided, "No, I'll stay where I am," and seconds later, a highway patrolman drives by in the car pool lane who surely would have given me a ticket if I was over there.
When you think about having read this blog, think of it this way, that what you think about you bring about, and you must be vigilant in controlling what you think about. You must be vigilant in deciding what you want and what you want for your clients. As an extraordinary coach, it's going to benefit you to embrace this philosophy I'm sharing with you, and it's going to benefit your clients as well. Make sure that whatever words come out of your mouth, it's something that you want. Spend your time thinking about the things that you want and not the things that you don't.
I submit to you, if you will embrace these principles, if you will take to heart these principles, you will find your life improving, you will find your practice improving, and my goodness, you will find that you have become the extraordinary coach that you have been looking forward to becoming.
I end this blog just like all the blogs I end, and I say have a good time until next time. If this blog has helped you or given you any ideas or benefited you in any way, please send it to somebody. Share it with somebody.
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