Granted, you can't take responsibility for everything that happens in your life, but you can take responsibility for a lot. When you take responsibility for what happens in your life, you become the master of your fate. You become the orchestrator of what you have in your life. When you expect something, it turns up. Let's just imagine for a moment that's true. If that's true, then you simply expect to be an extraordinary coach. You expect your clients to respond to you in a positive manner. You expect your clients to show up en masse and you expect to make a phenomenal income.
By taking responsibility for your life, I mean every single aspect of your life that you can think of, even the things that you don't think that you want, even those things, take responsibility for. You take responsibility for those things and you begin to think something different. In his breakthrough book 10X Rule, Grant Cardone says, and I quote him when he says this: "Don't be a little bitch."
You see, when he says that, what he is saying is don't complain about the things that happened in your life. Find a way to look at the things that's happening in your life so that they serve your good. When something bad happens in your life, you must assume that you brought it into your life. The experiences that you're having, whether they're good or bad, you brought them into your life. If each of us would be honest with ourselves, we know that we spend more time thinking about the things that we don't want than we do thinking about the things that we want. Consequently, the things that we don't want show up time after time.
For instance, I just recently had an experience watching a video of a young man, a black young man, that was talking about his stop by a policeman. He basically was saying that the policeman stopped him, was mannerable , and the outcome was uneventful. He was extolling the virtues of the fact that all policemen aren't bad and all black people aren't good. Now that was his expectation. There are many, many people on the face of this earth, particularly in America, that have instances where the policemen are brutal, that have instances where the policemen are unfair. And some of these people are your clients. These people are your clients, and they spend an inordinate amount of their time trying to look good and be right.
Somehow in the minds of these people, being a victim is being right. Being a victim is being somewhere where something happens that you have absolutely no control over. I submit that you have control over everything. I submit that when you have an event that to you translates as racist, I'm saying you brought it. When you have an event that translates as something fantastic, I'm saying you brought it. Now you don't have to be honest with me, but I urge you to be honest with yourself and root out those thinking patterns you have that are not serving you. You have to rule out those thinking patterns you have that are not serving you because it is your job to impact your clients to do the same. You want to be an extraordinary coach, you have to take credit for everything. You want to be an extraordinary coach, whatever happens has to be your fault.
Because you see, if you are not part of the problem, you cannot be part of the solution. Now certainly I am not advocating that we really are responsible for everything. We really don't know that. But that the fact that we could be lives in the realm of what we don't know that we don't know. Since we don't know that our thoughts actually produce the results in our life, I am only making believe that that's true. I do know that when we feel more empowered, we do better. When we feel that we're in control, we do better.
Find a way to organize your thoughts in such a way that anything that shows up, you can use it. Anything that shows up can benefit you. The crux of this blog is to believe that you are in control of everything and organize your mind as though you are. Only put thoughts in your mind that you want to happen. Only say things that you want to occur. Certainly we all joke around, and jokes can be good. But don't joke around to the point that you can possibly think that any self-deprecation humor that you use, that it could be true.
Now take this blog to heart. I'm sure this blog will be the foundation of a book in the future, but I am saying clearly and distinctly that everything that happens in your life, you brought it. Even the person that is subscribing this blog brought this blog to them, and doubtless they will benefit from the information herein. As I like to end all of my blogs, I end this one the same way by encouraging you to have a good time until the next time. If this blog blesses you, shares any ideas with you, makes any sense to you, please by all means share it with your friends and with your family.
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