Friday, July 17, 2015

Coaches Corner~Massive Efforts

Tony Robbins had it right. Years ago, when I listened to Tony Robbins' tape series entitled "Live with Passion," he listed as one of the things that led to success as massive action. It is only now I'm getting present to exactly what he meant by massive action. You see, only a small percentage of the business community is going to utilize any product or business or service. No matter what it is that you sell, only a small percentage of people will buy it.

Even in the music industry, if you sold 1 million records, they consider you to be sort of a success, but keep in mind that 1 million records is only a portion of the 300 million adults in the United States alone, let alone the rest of the world. Anything that you sell will only be bought by a small percentage of people. Depending on how big a slice you want of the market, you are going to have to put forth that much of an effort.

Now, multi-tasking is really what this blog is all about because some people think they can do 2 businesses. They can do businesses that relate to each other but what they don't realize is by diluting their effort, they are diluting their results, and as I just said, since only a small percentage of people are going to buy anything given what you're selling, diluting your efforts is the last thing that you want to do. If you want to be successful, you have got to, to coin a phrase, put your shoulder to the wheel and you have got to give it everything that you've got.

When you want to market your business, your product or your service, you have to be marketing it 24 hours a day. If you dilute your marketing efforts and try to market more than one thing, you will be met with failure. That's precisely why the era of network marketing is going away. Network marketing found its attraction in telling people that they're in business for themselves but not by themselves, even though they're in business by themselves. They tell you it doesn't take you very much to start your business and it tells you that it doesn't take very much of your life to make your business successful. You can just do this on a part-time basis. That is very, very misleading. Anything that you want to be successful at, doing it part-time is just not one of your choices. You have to commit to what you are doing 150% if there is such a thing as 150%.

I was made aware of this as I was walking across the street, thinking about a new product I had just bought, this television box that allows you to see thousands and thousands of channels. The people know that everyone watches television and so this is an appealing part. Probably many people would want to buy it so they offer it to you as a network marketing product and tell you that you can sell it part-time. You can't sell anything part-time. If you are a business owner or if you are an extraordinary coach, you've got to commit to being a coach. You've got to being a coach full-time. Being a coach part-time doesn't work and what you are doing the rest of the time is not going to be hugely successful either. You want to be an extraordinary coach? Jump in with both feet but don't jump in prematurely.

Later, I'll do a blog about how to decide when is the right time to jump, and you can consult that blog to find out when it's the right time, but as long as you have one foot on the pier and one foot on the boat, you're going to just be stuck right there because when that boat takes off, you're going to have to either get on the boat or get on the pier. Remember the point of this blog: you cannot do anything part-time. You must put forth massive effort and the reason you must put forth massive effort is that only a small percentage of your efforts will result in success. The good news is, only a small percent has to result in success because the small percent that has to result in success will connect with another person just like you that is putting forth massive effort.

If this blog has helped you at all, please, by all means, pass it on to your friends, your family, your acquaintances, and like I like to end all of my blogs, do me a big favor and have a good time until the next time.

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