You see, I have brain-washed myself into thinking the world is perfect the way it is and that it is only my thinking that may make it seem otherwise. And I think the same is true of most other people. After all, the Bible said that when God made the world, he said, "It is good." And maybe good is not perfect, but perfect is good enough for me.
Let's talk about the areas where there are complaints. In as an extraordinary coach, you probably hear these complaints. You probably have some of these complaints yourself. But I think as an extraordinary coach, it is also important for you to make sure that your mind is dialed in for solutions. You see, your clients know what they don't know and they know what they know. However, they don't know what they don't know and this is where you come in. I developed this solution this morning while I was thinking of something positive to do. Let's talk about the areas where there are many complaints by many people. And these complaints exist with no solution in sight. The people that complain about these things, they simply find some sort of joy or perverted pleasure in making the complaints.
Let's talk about the number one complaint. I think the number one place that people complain is about politics. Now, granted, we all have a story and all our complaints are nothing more than stories. Because in reality, a politician's job is difficult. No matter what he does, there are people that know nothing about what he does and they second guess his decisions. They complain about his decisions, understanding full well that not everybody who he's responsible to has voted for him. It's a balancing act for a politician to satisfy the people that voted him in, while at the same time serving the needs of the people that didn't. Without a doubt, a politician's job is difficult. And I would be the last person to complain about a politician. That's not to say I don't have an opinion on things, because I do. That is to say that my opinion is handled in the ballot box and maybe in a discussion here or there. But you will never find me complaining about any politician.
The minimum wage is another area that gets a lot of press. Many people complain about what the minimum wage ought to be and how the wages are to be raised. They don't give a thought to the fact that the person who owns the business would be taking money out of his pocket to increase the minimum wage. They think that the person working has a vested interest to increase the minimum wage, when in point of fact, they don't. The people who want the minimum wage raised, they say that what they make is not a living wage. They pay no attention to the fact that it is not meant to be a living wage and their employer is not obligated to give them a living wage. The employer is in business and he's in business to make money. So really, he only pays you as much as he can or as little as he can to keep you on the job. If he can get you to do it for less, I suggest that he would. And at the end of the day, if you are not satisfied with the wages that you're making, you are free to choose something else to do. You are free to choose another job. These thoughts do not enter the mind of the person that's complaining about the minimum wage, but it's true nonetheless. That's not to say that I'm insensitive about people being able to make a living wage, because I am. I can tell you that I didn't always make the money that I make now.
And finally, which is really the reason that I thought about this solution. People complain about policemen. People complain about policemen and how brutal the policemen are. Policemen are tasked to keep law and to keep order. The difficult thing is that most of the people that are complaining have no respect for law and order. They simply want to do their own bidding and stop everybody else from theirs. They don't want to be controlled by the police. They don't want to honor police. They don't want to obey the law. The Bible says that, "The law is not for the just. The law is for the lawbreaker." I recently got stopped by a policeman. I pulled over. I was speeding. I took my ticket and I went home. Plain and simple.
So, let's take the political mayhem, let's take the low unemployment rates, and let's take the police and let's combine those things to see if we can be a little solution-oriented. Because as you remember, in the beginning of this blog, I talked about being solution-oriented. I talked about how as an extraordinary coach, you may provide solutions to people. And I want to talk about a solution here. But before I talk about a solution here, I'll revisit one of my other blogs that basically said, "If you have a skillset for a particular service or product, that may not mean that you belong in business." So, even though you are an exceptional coach, you may find yourself coaching some to get out of business. You may be coaching some to find themselves, to find a job, because they have the skillset to run a business.
So, where would they go? Anyone complaining about the police that does not have a job or is making minimum wage can eliminate those problems by simply applying for a job as a policeman. Anyone who thinks that the police are doing a terrible job would do themselves a much better turn if they decided to be a policeman and they do a better job.
It is ever so easy to complain about what someone else is doing when you are not walking in their shoes. I had a good friend that says, "You should not criticize a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes." And there's two reasons for that. First of all, you have his shoes. And then of course, you are a mile from him. Apply that to the police if you will. But I just thought I would try to introduce a little humor in this blog, because it started to get cumbersome. Too profound for me.
So, if you are complaining about the policemen and if you don't have the income that you want, why don't you strike a match and light up the darkness? Why don't you become solution-oriented? As an extraordinary coach, advise your clients, should they be unemployed or should they be making less money than they want, sign up to be a policeman. And perhaps they can do a better job than the policemen that they are complaining about. Unless of course, they don't want a better job. Unless of course, they would just be happy complaining about the policemen. Now you as an extraordinary coach will make this plain to your clients. You as an extraordinary coach, as you have conversations that are not with your clients, but conversations that are enriching nonetheless, it would behoove you to keep in mind that when you complain about the police, and you don't have a job, and you don't have any income, you my friend are leaving money on the table.
Now, once again, I want to give credit to my good friend Michael Estes for inspiring this thought. And if this blog has inspired any thoughts for you or has given you any satisfaction whatsoever, please by all means, pass this blog on to somebody else that it might help. And I end this blog, just like I enjoy ending all of my blogs, which is for you to have a good time until the next time.