Monday, June 15, 2015

Coaches Corner~Thankfulness

Believe it or not, one of the most beneficial things that you, as an extraordinary coach can do for your clients is to introduce them to God. For me, that is in the person of Jesus Christ. It makes sense to me that when you get a proper understanding of who God is, who you think God is and you share that with your clients, that's going to be a beneficial thing. This blog, surprisingly while I'm talking about God, is entitled Thankfulness. What does thankfulness have to do with the whole idea of God? Well you will soon see as we elaborate on how I came to this conclusion.

I was having a shower and the thought of a good friend of mine, Eddie Smith, crossed my mind. I was thinking about how wonderful it was to know Eddie Smith, how beneficial Eddie Smith has been to me over the years and how glad I am that I met Eddie Smith. I began to think about the time that Eddie Smith told me the idea that it is a good idea to share things, how Eddie Smith made clear to me, "Victor, it's not the fact that I trust you. It's that I trust God, and I don't think God is going to steer me wrong."

Thoughts like that, ideas like that, along with a host of other things, makes me think that Eddie Smith is a very, very valuable person to have in my life. It doesn't stop there. As I began to express my appreciation, my thinking about how good it is to know Eddie Smith, another thought crossed my mind, and that is how do I came to know Eddie Smith? Then I became appreciative of Joe Walsh. You see, Joe Walsh introduced me to Eddie Smith. He introduced me to Eddie Smith as one of his downlines in this business that the three of us were involved in. Then I began to be appreciative of Joe Walsh. Without Joe Walsh, I wouldn't know Eddie Smith and well, without Eddie Smith, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

As you would suspect, things progressed, and as I was thankful for Joe Walsh, I got to thinking about the company that introduced me to Joe Walsh, this company called comF5, and while I'm no longer affiliated with comF5, I have to be very, very thankful about the things that happened to me since I got involved in comF5. Now the founder of comF5, would you say that they had something to do with all of my experiences that happened after comF5? You bet. Then I have to be thankful for Richard Kall, and then I have to be thankful for Earl Mann and then I have to be thankful for a lot of other people and things.

You see, the host of people who I am thankful for goes on and on and on. Granted, the people that founded comF5 did create the company but how would I have known about the company? What series of events led to me knowing about comF5? That is when we come to my good friend Michael Estes. Michael Estes came to my loan office one day where I was working as a loan officer and asked me if I would like to see a video email, and of course I had never seen a video email. I had preconceived notions of how cumbersome video emails could be, so I said, "Okay, Michael I'll take a look."

Believe it or not, Michael Estes made it possible for me to come to know who this comF5 company was and so naturally, I started being thankful for Michael Estes. Can you believe it? This thankfulness continues and the tone of this blog has to do with why you want to introduce your people to God, and now we come to why I think that's a good idea.

Of the people that I just spoke of, they're all human beings, why bow down and kiss their feet and be very, very appreciative of what they did for me and how they impacted my life? That might not work all that well because we as human beings, we tend to be egomaniacal, and being egomaniacal, somebody kisses our feet, well that's not going to help us grow our humble muscle and humility is something that human beings ought to be.

Now, do I thank Eddie Smith for what he's done for me and thereby call up Joe Walsh and thank him for what he's done and then call Earl Mann and Richard Kall and eventually Michael Estes? Do I do all that? Do I thank all of those people? As you can see, the list will get pretty long as I start to thank all the people that have gotten me in this wonderful life where I live now. What do you suggest that I do, in order so that my soul can express the appreciation, so that my soul can express the thankfulness? Well my soul needs to express the appreciation and thankfulness but my soul doesn't need to do it to Richard Kall or Eddie Smith or Joe Walsh.

My soul just needs to be appreciative and the most likely place that I could do something like that is by appreciating God, by saying, "God, I thank you. Lord, I thank you for making these people. I thank you for allowing these things to happen. I thank you for Michael Estes. I thank you for the person who invented a blog so that I could even write a blog.", and I'm just so thankful.

What do you think the results would be if your clients were just as thankful? As an extraordinary coach, despite the outside objective, opinion that you can give to your clients, how much more can you benefit your clients by teaching them to be thankful in general and teaching them to direct that thanks to God? More of the same always produces more of the same.

I hope you've seen the benefit of this blog. I hope you decide to be thankful and thereby get to the place where you want to thank God and take your clients to that place as well. Eliminate the tendency to find a worm in everything. Don't find any excuses to negate what I'm saying. Simply embrace it on the value of your own understanding right now.

It's time for me to end this blog and I will end this blog like I love to end all of my blogs by saying until the next time. Have yourself a good time, and if this blog has helped you or benefited you in any way, we would love for you to share it with some of your friends and some of your family.

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