Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Coaches Corner~OCD

If I have the right interpretation of what OCD is, then it's a possibility that as I get older, I am developing OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder).  It is a compulsion to do one thing after another for no apparent reason except to the person doing it.  OCD can be characterized as a tendency to accomplish one thing after another and then another and then another, that's driven by a feeling of anxiety when you don't accomplish these things. To the casual observer, it might look that you're simply wasting time but to you, you have a reason for doing those things.

I think as I grow older, as I evolve into an extraordinary coach, it's a strong distinct possibility that I might be developing OCD.  In the past I have criticized people who I see that have OCD as being motivated by something that's not positive. In other words, I was afflicted by the looking good, being right syndrome, and that people that had the OCD characteristics were certainly not looking good and they were emphatically not being right in my view. I have to change all that now because I might be developing it myself.

Here's where this comes from. Recently I was sitting in that special room, and it occurred to me I had made promises to people on my team that I was going to give them a PowerPoint. This PowerPoint was to have been in their possession before they went to sleep that night and that was several days ago. Apart from writing this blog, that's the next thing on my list right now.
As I begin to evaluate myself for the OCD characteristics and begin to blame myself, criticize myself, I thought of other things that I had promised to do that I hadn't yet done and the reason I should be doing those things now as well. Then I made a conscious decision that I'm going to do what I promised to do or I'm not going to promise to do anything. I think you know in business, you must promise to do something.

When you are in business for yourself, you don't have anyone reminding you to do the things that you need to do. You don't have anyone making sure that you accomplish the thing that's going to lead to cash flow for you. You don't have anybody to remind you to market your business. If you ever tried to get any sort of clients whatsoever, you know that marketing is critical. You know that marketing is critical because all the sales calls that you can make, those people are probably making sales calls themselves.

Rather than being a detriment, as I had labeled it in the past, I think OCD is probably a characteristic that leaders have. The only adjustment that I would make is you would set aside certain time when you are doing the things that you said you were going to do. When you are in business, when you have a job, I think that's why you have to put a finite limit on your time, 9:00 to 5:00. That's why people don't work 24 hours a day. That's why some people say, "Hey, after 5:00, my office is closed."

I saw a movie some years ago involving a dastardly character who really gave somebody a bad time, who accosted him at a party, and wanted to talk with him about a record that he was producing. Well, he told the guy that, "My office hours are 9:00 to 5:00," and the guy was really excited about getting his point across and he just ignored the fact that the man said his office hours was from 9:00 to 5:00. Well, as far as the movie went, he smacked the guy around a bit, and the last thing he said to him before he punched him in the nose was, "I told you, my office hours are 9:00 to 5:00."

Well, I wouldn't have to get that drastic about it but I urge you to choose specific times that you are doing the things that's going to lead to business for you. I know I'm going to do that. Up until this moment as far as I was concerned, when it was time to do something, it was time to do something. Being an extraordinary coach doesn't allow you the luxury of simply doing things when you feel like doing them or doing them when the mood strikes you, because your clients, they're not sitting around waiting for you to call them. They're not sitting around waiting for you to accomplish the things that you said that you were going to do. They have finite times. They have a family life. They have a church life. They have agendas to take you over.

As I like to end all my blogs, have a good time until next time. If this blog has helped you, has given you any ideas whatsoever, please share it with your friends and your family.

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