Being an extraordinary coach dictates that you really have to be careful about the words that come out of your mouth. I'm not saying that we all need to study chemistry, or we all need to become a student of quantum physics, but quantum physics dictates that when you look at things, the things that you look at change. Wouldn't it be something if the self fulfilling prophecy that we have heard about over the years was actually true? What if what you said came to be just because you said it?
Some time ago a young man went to the barber shop, and he's sitting around waiting to get his haircut. He picks up a magazine. He looks at the magazine and the headline on the magazine says that things are going to be tough. Tough times are coming. As he's reading the magazine and waiting for his haircut, he thinks to himself "Wow. If tough times are coming, I guess I had better be a little tighter with my money. When I get home today, I'm actually going to call the contractor and tell him that we're going to have to put off putting that addition on to the building." When he got home he did that.
Once the contractor heard that he wasn't going to have the job that he had, well then he had to make adjustments as well. He has a crew that depend on him for income. If he's not going to be doing this job, or if he's not going to get this bid that he was expecting, then what do you think he has to do? He has to let some people go. He cuts his staff by 50%. 50% of the people that he had employed are now no longer employed. It all began because this guy saw this article that said tough times are coming.
One of the people that he let go has a 5 year old girl. The 5 year old girl ... It's coming to be Christmas time, and she was looking forward to that Easy Bake Oven. This was years ago when Easy Bake Ovens were a big deal. She really wanted her Easy Bake Oven. She was playing the mammy as they say, like little girls like to play. Little girls playing with Easy Bake Ovens go a long way towards helping little girls develop into young ladies. During this time of the world, little girls aspire to be homemakers. That's neither here nor there, except for the purpose of this story. Because her father's boss picked up a magazine that warned of tough times, well now she's not going to get her Easy Bake Oven. She's not as happy a child as she would have been if she had gotten her Easy Bake Oven.
As you can see, the connection between everything is very evident in a situation like this, as this young man picked up this magazine and began a domino effect of things that occurred, that eventually spread over the whole city, over the whole country, until well, things were tough all over. Because he picked up a magazine that he was reading in the barbershop.
As we examine what truly happened, somebody came behind him and picked up that same magazine, and decided to take a look at the date of the magazine to see when the magazine was published. As it turned out, the magazine was published 8 years earlier. You imagine that? You go into a barber shop, and an old magazine is on the table. You read the old magazine and you make decisions in your life based on what you read in the old magazine.
Now, what if this man was an optimist? What if he was the type of person that believes he can do it, he will do it, and nothing will stop him? Had he been that type of man, when he picked up that magazine, no matter that the magazine said that tough times were coming, he would know that he would get over those tough times. He would know that he would accomplish his goals. He would know that he'd only have to work a little harder in order to achieve his goals.
Working hard to achieve our goals is one of the things that our attitude can be instrumental in us doing. You want to be an extraordinary coach, then not only do you have to instill this sort of motivation into your clients, but you have to have this sort of motivation as well. Keep in mind that your overwhelming urges, whether they be good or whether they be bad, is going to color everything that you see. The way that you think about things, your attitude, the group of thoughts that you allow to stay in your brain over and over and over, they determine what you think about everything.
You have to constantly remind yourself that things are great. You have to constantly include all possibilities into your life, except for the negative ones. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that my mantra is simple. Whenever I'm asked how am I doing, I always respond with "I am better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be." The reason that I respond that way is because my mindset tells me that that is irrefutable. My mindset tells me that no matter what it is that you do, you got to get better at it if you keep doing it.
As you move forward in being an extraordinary coach, and making great things happen for your client, I want to urge you to stay present to the fact that your words determine your future. There is so much more that you can do simply by changing the atmosphere in between your ears. Things are not tough. Tough times are not coming because in the words of a fellow that I heard on a movie just recently, everything always turns out okay in the end. If things are not okay, then you know it is not the end. I'll end this blog like I enjoy ending all of my blogs, which basically says, Have a good time until next time. If this blog has blessed you or helped you in any way, please share it with your friends, and/or family.
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