As an extraordinary coach it's a great idea to share your victories with your clients. Sharing your victories with your clients lets them know that they too can have victory and I'm about to share a victory with you right now. Before the victory though, let me tell you a little about God. If you've read this blog then you know sometimes I do talk about God. I talk about God in the context of being an extraordinary coach and in the context of living an exceptional life. Many people wonder if God is for them and the people that understand that God is for them, they sometimes think that God has left them and that reminds me of a story that I once heard about a little boy who was out flying a kite. As he flew his kite, it got higher, and higher, and higher, and pretty soon the kite got to the place where he was not even able to see the kite.
A passerby asked the child what he was doing and he said that he was flying a kite. They said, "Well now, how do you know that you are flying a kite?" He says, "Well, it's pretty high and every now and then I feel just a little bit of a tug." That's the same way God works in the lives of his people. It may seem like God is not there and when you're having good experiences you know that God is there. But you just don't have the evidence. Every now and then something exceptional happens and if you're a God fearing Christian like myself, the take that you put on it is, wow that was a little tug. I know that God is flowing with me, I know that I'm flowing with God. I had such a tug this morning as I was driving into the office. I'm following this car and I get a little distracted as I look into my rear view mirror and all of a sudden I look back in the front of me and I'm inches away from a car and I hit my brakes just in time to avoid an accident.
That wasn't good enough because as I'm driving, traffic is pretty heavy, it's early in the morning, and on more than one occasion I've slipped into the carpool lane to try to avoid the traffic even though I'm the only person in the car. Slipping into the carpool lane, well that's something that I do from time to time. This morning I had the option to do that as I looked over in the carpool lane and chose, "I think I'll obey the law today, I think I'll drive in the lane that I'm in." As I'm driving into the office, not a few minutes after I made that decision, alongside me on the left is a motorcycle, California Highway Patrol. A California Highway Patrolman that's just passing me by that if I was over in that carpool lane, I would have got an expensive ticket. For me that was a little tug. God was giving me a little tug, letting me know that I was on the right track, letting me know that I was doing things according to his will. Was that God? Was it a little tug? Who really knows?
But because I'm an extraordinary coach I know the value of looking at things in a certain way. I know the value of telling myself an empowering story and the empowering story I told myself was that God gave me a little tug. I share this story with you because God is probably giving you little tugs right now, he's probably given you little tugs that you haven't even noticed. I'm saying capitalize on those little tugs, use those little tugs to empower yourself, to move yourself forward, to push yourself in the direction that you want to go. Not only am I suggesting that you find those little tugs and elaborate on those little tugs but I'm saying, share those little tugs with your clients because part of being an extraordinary coach is putting your clients in a great place and who would not like an occasional tug from God. I know I do.
If this blog has helped you please pass it on to a friend, or a relative, or anybody you think might benefit from hearing or reading this blog. I like to end my blogs as I end all of them by asking you to have yourself a good time until the next time and treat this blog as a little tug from God.