I'm always talking about mind sets, how your mindset determines that course of your life. I use these blogs to demonstrate that many times and that's what's happening right now. When I got to the destination, which was a 30 minute drive away from my house, my colleague was not there waiting for me. He lives a short distance from where I ended up going so he could have gotten there in five or ten minutes. When I got there, he wasn't there. Knowing that he took the liberty by waiting so long, by waiting until the last minute, several thoughts crossed my mind. I thought, "How dare he not be here waiting for me." I thought, "Isn't it bad enough that I'm coming out here to do him a favor? That he can't even be here." Then I thought, "Oh really, so since he lives so close to here, he just figures that he's going to stay at his place and wait for me to bring the lights to him? How inconsiderate of him."
All of these thoughts are crossing my mind. As a result of these thoughts crossing my mind, other thoughts are crossing my mind. I'm having physiological changes. My blood pressure's rising, my pulse is quickening. Any number of things that doesn't translate to something good. Then, the real me takes over, and I always reframe things and paint them in a way so that they benefit me. At least benefit me in terms of how good they make me feel. I realized that, you know, there must be another explanation. I turned by phone back on, which I've told you I turn off when I'm driving, and I called him on the phone. I said to him, "Where are you?" I don't do it accusatorily. I just ask him. He says he's at my house. And I say, "What are you doing at my house?" He says he's waiting for me.
Even though when I was on the phone I said, "I'll meet you down there." Even though I said, "I guess you want to have the lights before 8 o'clock in the morning because that'll be to late. We can't wait til tomorrow. We have to do this tonight." As far as I'm concerned, I made it clear that I was going to be down at the office where the lights were, it wasn't clear to him. Believe me, he actually said to me, "Wow, I wish I had known. That would have been a lot easier trip for me." It would have been a lot easier trip for him.
Him and I have similar temperaments and we are going to make the best of whatever we're dealt. We both made the best out of that situation. As it turns out, I picked up the lights, took it to his establishment. Helped him set it up and all was good. The message for you is, just because you don't know something doesn't mean it's not true. Just because something is unclear to you, doesn't mean that you need to experience it. In fact, there's no way that you could know all the great things that's happening for you right now. Particularly, if you focus on the bad things that are happening to you right now.
Take heart. You don't know what you don't know. What you don't know could be the very thing that you're in love with. I hope this blog has helped you. I hope you move closer to taking control of your mind, not allowing it to run roughshod over you. Please pass this blog on to somebody you know and someone that you care about.
I end this blog just like I end all the rest of them when I say to you, you have yourself a good time until the next time.
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