Monday, October 5, 2015

Coaches Corner~Rebellion

I just recently heard that John Boehner, I guess he's the Republican Speaker of the House, has retired. I'm driving and listening to the radio, and they have a poll asking the question if you're sad that he's retired. Over a whopping 79% of the people who responded said they are not sad that he is leaving. I got to thinking about that, and how could a person be disapproved of by 79% of the people that he is leading? I would probably say a higher percentage than that of people would not want to do his job.

It occurs to me as an extraordinary, coach, I find myself also in a leadership position. As a leader, I get, that many people who are being led, just simply don't want to follow. They simply don't want to behave. This phenomenon started many, many years ago, I suppose, when they were children. The breakdown of society, and I know this is a leap here, had begun to take place since parents stopped being parents. When children stopped obeying their parents, all bets were off.

First, they didn't want to do what their mother said to do. Then they didn't want to do what their father said to do. After that, they wanted to rebel against their teachers, then followed shortly thereafter, by the policeman, who is a leader of sorts because he is supposed to maintain order in society.

Then came this notion that it's very American to complain. The people that say it's very American to complain often cite our history. What they don't realize is that we all tend to be self serving, and the rules we live by, basically, they favor us. The reason that we as a country said that it was okay to rebel, it was okay to question everything, is that during that time, that's what we were doing! We were looking for our independence from England.

Now, we're claiming some sort of superiority, or giving merit to the fact that we are a nation where you are free to protest and free to rebel. Well you are also free to obey the law. You are also free to do what the majority wants you to do. You are also free to decide to comply.

Time out for everyone being rebellious. Time out for everyone finding a reason to disapprove of someone in leadership position. Now I realize, by writing this blog, I too am complaining of sorts, but I have a justification for my complaint. Now that I think about it, perhaps the people who are complaining also think that they have a justification for theirs.

At the end of the day, there is no justification for complaining. You may change things; you may do something different. You may have a preference for things to be other than what they are, but when you complain about things, you do no one any good. You don't even do yourself any good, because complaining about things just put you in a bad mood and release toxins into your bloodstream.

Now, as an extraordinary coach, you're going to be called upon sometime to deliver bad news to your clients, and I have such a client right now. My client hired me for 3 main things, and one of those things was to give my outside, objective opinion. My outside objective opinion right now is that he is wasting his money by paying me to coach him. If he's not going to do what I suggest as his coach, then he may as well keep his money in his pocket.

I don't want clients that's going to complain about me. I want clients that's going to say I am doing a phenomenal job. I want clients to say that they have had so much improvement after working with me that they can't count the number of instances. You may ask what does me being an extraordinary coach with a client that's not behaving has to do with John Boehner stepping down, and no one approving of him staying in the first place.

I'll say to you that you must pay attention that the culture is changing, so much so that the industry of self help really has an opportunity right now. The industry of self help is on the up and the up, because people need to help themselves. If you are going to rely on a leader, it just doesn't make any sense to complain about the leader.

I believe that history has shown that if there is a leader, people are going to complain about them. No matter who the president of the United States is, there are people complaining about him. The heck of it is, the people that's complaining about him wonder why everybody else is not complaining about him. The people that's not complaining about him, wonder why the people who are complaining are actually complaining.

As we come to the end of this blog, understand that the point of this blog is self empowerment. I am always looking for ways to empower you as an extraordinary coach, so that you can empower your clients as good clients. The little secret that everyone avoids, is that you are responsible for your life. You are responsible for your thoughts. You are responsible for whether or not you complain.

Once you cast your vote, or you have had a say in a certain result, if the result is not to your liking then bless God, wait until the next time you get to make another choice and make a better one. Until then, fight the urge to complain. Fight the urge to be negative, because those things simply deposit poison into your system, which doesn't help you much.   And no matter how much you disapprove of a specific leader, someone else loves them.

Now if this block has helped you to open your eyes in any way, I would love for you to share it with someone that you know or care about. I end this blog like I end all of my blogs, with an admonition for you to have yourself a good time until the next time.

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