Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Coaches Corner~Money

Trust and integrity are siblings when it comes to your coaching relationship. I'm talking about the relationship between you and your client. In the self-employment industry when we collect our own fees, when our clients pay us individually, sometimes the payment is not on time. Many of us have issues around money and issues around time. This blog is speaking about our issues around money.

Let me preface my statement by saying that any issue that you have surrounding money has to do with your worth, your self-concept, how you feel about yourself. When you have a well-integrated self-esteem and self-concept, then you know that you deserve to have money. When you have a great self-concept, your desire is to give rather than to get, and in order for you to give, you have to have money, so you can buy things to give or so that you can give to people.

Money is an exchange in value, and when you are confident that you deliver the appropriate value to your customers or your clients, you have no misgivings about asking to be compensated.

In business, though, from time to time, people don't pay their bills. From time to time, you have to wait before you are paid. If you are a business coach, an extraordinary business coach like I am, then you may have clients who are not able to pay you because their clients didn't pay them.

I started off this blog talking about trust and integrity, and here is where that becomes an issue. You must have the assurance that when your clients have the money to pay you, they are going to pay you. You must never entertain the thought that your clients are simply not paying you because they don't want to or because you don't deserve to be paid. You deserve to be paid and you might find yourself confident enough to ask for your money when it's time for you to be paid.

On the rare occasion that you are not paid, though, well now it's time to see how your trust and integrity quotient really is. Do you trust that your client has the money to pay you? Do you trust that your client will pay you? Presumably, you have a contract in place and certainly those contracts carry some weight, but we don't want to have a relationship with a client that's based solely on a contract. That's why you need to make sure that you resonate with your clients before they even become your clients. You must make sure that you and your clients have an understanding. You never want to get into a wrestling match with a client about money.

Not being clear on money also impacts the kind of coach that you are. Say for instance you're coaching a guy and you see him every week, and a week ago you were due to be paid and you weren't paid. You call the customer up and you are making arrangements for your regularly scheduled coaching session. How do you feel?

Right. You want to ask him where your money is, don't you? You want to ask him why haven't you been paid, don't you? Well, last time you checked with him, he was having issues with his customers paying him and he had accounts receivables and he just wasn't able to pay you.

In this instance you don't need to spend time calling your client every day to ask him when you're going to be paid if you have trust and integrity. You simply wait your turn until he gets paid and then you will be paid.

On the other hand, if you find yourself relying on your clients paying you in order for your life to move forward, in order for your business to move forward, then it's time that you get some more clients.

Yes, trust and integrity is important when it comes to money issues. You must trust that your client is going to pay you, so you don't really have to harass him about being paid, and you must have your regularly scheduled coaching sessions without being concerned about when you're going to get paid. If it turns out that you need to be concerned about when you're going to get paid, then the answer is the same. As an extraordinary coach, get yourself more clients.

It's amazing how many solutions there are in getting yourself more clients. Now, if this blog has helped you in any way, shape, form or fashion, I'd love for you to share it with somebody. I end this blog I end all of my blogs. Until the next time, have a good time.

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