Put it this way. Meditation requires focus. Meditation requires effort. In actuality, meditation requires more energy than bench-pressing 350 pounds. In order to bench-press 350 pounds, you have to first decide to do so. You have to then keep your mind focused on the activity of bench-pressing 350 pounds.
This morning, I found myself getting mentally lazy. I was about to get on my exercise machine, and my wife came in and told me breakfast was ready. I typically don't have breakfast until after my exercise machine but this morning was a bit different. I was all excited about my exercise machine because, you see, I exercise to music and "Dirty Diana" by Michael Jackson was about to come on and I like Dirty Diana.
However, I love my wife too, so I decided it was time to eat breakfast. Later, as I was having a seat, it occurred to me maybe I don't need to exercise this morning because I had broken my routine and perhaps God was telling me that this morning is not the morning to exercise. That was nothing more than an excuse.
It was then I realized that I should do a blog on this very, very topic. Extraordinary coaches all the time think about what their clients want. They spend time meditating on their clients' needs. In fact, the truly extraordinary coach has time set aside each day for each specific client before they speak with the client. I know some days they don't feel like doing it. Some days I don't feel like doing it but that's where the idea of consistency comes in.
You must defeat the lazy demon. You must defeat your tendency to keep doing the same thing, to do the easy thing. The easy thing is to not meditate. The easy thing is to distract yourself with some physical activity or distract yourself with something on television or watch a movie or video. Meditation, while demonized by some, really is significant in that it stops us from being mentally lazy. Do you meditate? I meditate sometime. If you do not meditate, let me encourage you to adopt the habit of meditation because to not do so is simply to be mentally lazy. Mental laziness is responsible for all the physical laziness.
I was recently taught a technique while I look up and to the right and think about something wonderful, and I think that is a component of NLP, neuro-linguistic programming. While physically undemanding, it requires effort to look up and to the right, and keep your mind focused on one particular thing. Your mind really is in charge. If you can imagine an earth-mover, a huge machine that can tear things up, there's a man sitting on top of the earth-mover that's in charge of what the earth-mover does, and your mind is likened to that man and your mind is in charge of your life. Your life can do as much damage or as much good as an earth-mover, and it is your mind that is in charge of your life.
As an extraordinary coach, let me encourage you to incorporate meditation into your life if it is not in your life, and if you think of meditation as hocus-pocus or some New Age sort of spirituality, let me encourage you to fight that thought because to not fight that thought is also mentally lazy. I'm going to meditate right after I exercise because the mental energy that it takes for me today to actually accomplish my exercise is gargantuan. While I am exercising, I will implement that new technique that I've learned for NLP. I will look up and to the right, and meditate on what I truly want out of that exercise.
As an extraordinary coach, one extraordinary coach to another, let me ask you to pass this blog on to someone you care about if it has helped you. If it impacts you to the degree that you decide to meditate, that you decide to stop being mentally lazy, then I especially want you to comment below. I end this blog just like I end all of my blogs. Have a good time until the next time.
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