My experience with a genie was enhanced recently when I saw Aladdin, the cartoon movie. You know the one where Robin Williams plays the voice of the genie? Yeah, that one. Someone stole the genie, if you remember the movie. He stole the genie and had the genie do all sorts of things for him. The genie got him all the riches he wanted. The genie got him all of the houses, the women, and everything that he wanted. What he truly wanted was power. He wanted more and more power. Now having power, power to help people, power to empower others, that's a good place to be and it's a good thing to have. There are limits, however, and that's what this blog is about.
As an extraordinary coach, what you do most of the time is your empower people and you unleash them to do great things. Because you unleash them to do great things, they remain your client. They remain with you because every time they turn around, you are increasing their value by showing them how valuable you are. When you tell your client that they can add a subdomain to their already existing URL, that helps them out a whole lot. When you tell your client that they can have multiple Gmail accounts and start blogs on all those Gmail accounts to give themselves a more definitive presence on the internet, that's value for your client. When you tell your clients about technologies that exist that allow them to create lead pages at no cost, all those things bring your client value.
Can you imagine how valuable it would be to a client who did not know that the power of forgiveness changes the way that you relate to the world? Oh yes, if you were a genie, there are lots of things that you could do for your client. Training your client to receive things from you is a good way to go. If you do it properly, your client will want to duplicate you.
I coach coaches. As I bring value to coaches like yourself, you may find yourself bringing value to your client purely based on the value that I have given you. For that, we can all be thankful. Getting back to the story about the genie, when you get yourself a genie and your genie gives you everything that you want, if you do not have the proper training, the proper attitude, it's very easy for you to be overcome with greed. Greed has a tendency to obscure our perception of life and cause us to see things in a way that's not all that empowering.
If you or your clients get afflicted by greed, here is the caution. I want you present to this because this small tidbit can be the difference between you becoming successful and you becoming harnessed, and you becoming placed under a bushel where you do nobody any good. Once the genie has shown you how powerful they are by giving you everything that you've asked for, it's easy for you to think that the next thing that you could do is you could be the genie. You could be the one that's bringing all these riches. You could be the one that's accomplishing all these things. You could be the one that's given all the power.
One last ditch attempt at grabbing power, you say to the genie, "I want to become a genie because being a genie I can really help people out." What do you think happens? You're a genie accomplishing your every wish or every desire. Will it help you by making you into a genie? Now you are a genie. You're a genie accomplishing all of these things for everyone. You're a genie getting the adulation, the admiration, the adoration of all the people that you know because you are meeting their needs. Finally, you think that's that.
Well coaches, extraordinary coaches, that is not that because all it would take to hamstring you or to render you ineffective is for someone to put you back in the bottle. There you are in the bottle with all of this power and with all of this potential, and you can do nothing about it. The only reason that you're in the bottle is because you did not know the parameters, you did not know when to quit. The demon called greed got a hold of you.
As an extraordinary coach you must be ever present of the possibility of the allure of more and more. Because getting more is its own reward but going to more is also its own detriment. As I end this blog I want to leave with you this: "Don't become the genie. Be satisfied with what the genie gives you. Be glad with the success that you have and continue to grow and continue to blossom, for it is in doing that that you want benefit your client's most." If this blog has helped you, I want you to share it with someone that you care about. I end this blog like I end all of my blogs, which is have a good time until the next time.
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