Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Coaches Corner~Oppression

I am writing this blog as I'm driving down Calvine Road which is not far from my home. This morning is a phenomenal morning. I'm on my way to Las Vegas to the Toastmasters International Convention, and I seem to be getting all these mental downloads. All this information, these ideas that as far am I'm concerned, they're coming through me, not to me. They're coming through me on its way to you, you who is an extraordinary coach.

As an extraordinary coach, it is critical to be present to the fact that whatever ideas that you have, you are probably not the only one that has the idea. No matter how you assess the idea, whether or not it's a good idea is purely your assessment and nothing more. You can proceed whichever way you choose. The ideas that I received this morning came from a young man who posted something, a series of questions that really got me to thinking. Who created this world that you live in? Who created this racism that you fight against? Who created this religion that you love? He asked those questions among several others that doesn't come to mind right now but I'm going to give him credit for causing me to have the thought that I'm having right now.

As extraordinary coaches, it is very important, very important if you want to help people that you learn as much as you can about people and despite your assertions to the contrary, you are one of those people and I am one of those people. As I began to ponder the questions that the young man asked, his name is Barry Accius, I'll give him credit, Barry Accius, I realized that the world that he was talking about, the religion that he was talking about, the racism that he was talking about, were all things that occurred as a matter of perception. All of us do not live the same life. All of us do not live the same life because we don't think the same thoughts. I responded in what I thought was a profound manner to his question by saying, "I am pretty sure that I created mine."

I was saying I was pretty sure that the life that I lived, I was pretty sure that I created it. Well, I thought that was a pretty exceptional statement and it was very profound, and so I was on the edge of my seat waiting for his deep response because typically Barry has deep responses. Well, I got the "heartbreak of psoriasis," as they say, when he responded to my comment with a simple, "LOL." He thought what I said was funny. Now the meaning that I make of that is that it was funny because I was so misled by his definition. I know him well enough to make judgments about what I think he means but I really don't know what he means.

The next thought that I had was a saying that I have heard in the past which said that the most potent weapon that an oppressor has is the mind of the oppressed. While people focused on that statement in various and sundry ways, as I thought about that statement this morning, I realized that the ONLY weapon that the oppressor has is the mind of the oppressed since oppression is a mental thing if it is anything. The only weapon that a perpetrator has is the mind of the victim. These experiences that I describe occur on the inside and they occur differently for different people. It speaks to my assertion that it is the mind that makes the difference in our lives. It's the mind that we experience things through and we experience it by the way that we feel.

While it might seem funny that the world I live in is of my own creation, I think it is irrefutable that everybody's world is of their own creation because we're the ones that's living it. As an extraordinary coach, be present to the fact that all the things that I'm saying result from the age-old malady that we all experience which is the looking good and being right. Facebook is a wealth of information for me because when I look at Facebook, I always think something. When I look at Facebook, I always find the thought that resonates with one that I already have, so this thought this morning about who created this world that you live in, it was powerful and it was potent, and it helped me write a blog for you that's going to give you something to think about as well.

The point of this blog is to validate the fact that the mind, what you choose to think, is really responsible for what goes on in your life. Whether or not you choose to think that you're being effective for your clients, people who are not having the experience that they enjoy, they deny this but I tell you it is irrefutable in my book. Make no mistake about it, it's my book and it's the way that I think about it. I know that there are others that think just like I do. Some of you are reading this blog right now and yet others of you are reading this blog and thinking it's bunk. You know what? It is okay either way.

If this blog has helped you, I urge you to pass it on to someone that you know, someone that you like. Pass it on to someone that you care about. I end this blog as I end all my blogs. Do me a big favor and have yourself a good time until the next time.

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