Thursday, February 5, 2015

Coaches’ Corner~Buy-In

Leadership is a critical part of the make-up of a coach.  This is so critical, in fact, that we can make it the limiting reagent.  That means that you can only be an extraordinary coach to the degree at which you become a leader.  We all know presidents who have been great leaders and none of them greater than Bill Clinton.  No matter how you feel about him personally, his leadership ability was unmistakable.  If a person considers themselves a leader and there is no one following him, he is not really a leader, he is only taking a walk.  There was always someone following Bill Clinton no matter if he was being chased or not.  Having followers is the hallmark of a great leader and that leader makes an extraordinary coach primarily because of their credibility.  It is best if you resonate with a leader you choose because you are going to follow him or her no matter where they go.

The research shows us that people will follow you if you and your vision line up and of course that is a given.  When people buy into you, they will easily buy into your vision and you strategy for their business.  You, of course, are assessing their goals and desires and make your recommendation based on that.  But suppose they don’t like your vision but they like you and have bought into you?  The answer is that they will follow you anyway and make an excuse for themselves.  Let’s go back to Bill in the case of his legal troubles.  When he was accused of being disrespectful to women per se, he did not get much push back for it.  Even though an organization like the National Organization of Women fiercely criticized others for much less, he nearly got a pass that the unsophisticated just did not understand.  But the trainer of leaders got it immediately.  Bill had buy-in.  They liked him.  Call it the “IT” factor if you wish but there is no rhyme or reason except to say that they had bought-in to him.  He could do no wrong.

Contrast him with lack of buy-in for Bob Dole.  The people liked his vision.  They even liked what he stood for and surely he was conservative enough for them.  But the people did not buy-in to him.  I know because I was one of them.  The word around the campfire is that if people buy into the vision, goal or other aspect of a leader but not the leader, they will not change their vision or goal, they will change the leader.  And that is exactly what happened.  Had Bob Dole ran for president again, he would have lost.  In fact, he most likely could not win dogcatcher because he was a difficult man to buy into.

That is the beauty of social media.  It allows us to show who we really are.  If we post media that is close to our hearts, people will buy into us.  We don’t have to ask for business with every post and offer deals before we have even gotten to know someone, we just be us.  Let our clients know who we are and what we’re about.  For instance, some say not to post political things and stay away from religion and politics.  While I am not overly political or religious, I may post something in those arenas because that is who I am.  If you are political, then post things about politics.  If you are religious, post things about that too.  No matter who you are or what you like, you are not the only one that is like that.  Consider the people in Branch Davidian and their leader David Koresh.  There was not that many of them but they bought into the leader.  I am sure they did not wake  that morning and thought, “I think I will die today in an explosion in the hopes of going to heaven.”  They had bought into David Koresh and they would have gone wherever he took them.  Had he decided not to blow the place up and went on living, they would have followed that too.

I am not at all saying that as a coach you need to be a cult leader.  I am saying that it is your job to get buy-in before you take on a client.  That buy-in occurs before you even meet the client if done properly.  If you have a newsletter with valuable content, they can brand you as an expert.  If you have posted your family camping trips, they know you are an outdoorsman.  When you share the same opinions as they, a lot of times, that gets buy in.  To truly achieve your goal of being an extraordinary coach. You must get buy-for sure but that does not mean being something that you are not.  When you have buy-in, you have a much easier time keeping clients over time and when it is time to raise your fees, they will go right along with you.

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