Monday, January 19, 2015

Coaches' Corner`Distinctions

The specific  distinction we will discuss today begins with the use of our likely story.  There are varying degrees of this phenomenon but obesity is the one we are discussing today.  If you or your client is obese, I can guarantee that your likely story is getting in the way of your success.  Consider what the likely story actually is and you can see what I mean.  It is the set of excuses, explanations and reasons why the results you or your client say they want has not materialized.  Many obese individuals say that they are big boned or have slow metabolism that causes them to be fat.  They say that they work so hard and so long and even starve themselves to no avail and yet they remain obese. If you are dealing with obesity, I can tell you that you are not doing your best work and your client is not performing at their best if obesity is their problem.  Much of the time that can be used to develop creativity or get closer to the stated goals in life is spent worrying about things like "Does this make me look fat?" or "Will I be able to button my pants today?"  Whatever else is on your plate so to speak, obesity must not be on it because it wrecks confidence and confidence is the limiting reagent.

One year ago today I tipped the scale at over 300 lbs.  Today I weigh a sleek 240 lbs.  I can confidently say that my life has indeed changed.  As you can see by the photo above, I look like a completely different person!  Surely with all the success teaching we have had, we get it that the way one looks is not really important and we cannot judge a book by its cover, it is undeniable that the way we look impacts the way we feel.  I speak differently now, I coach differently now and the truth is, I would never even attempt coaching because in my mind, I had no business coaching if I could not even control my own appetite.  My being fat and unable to lose weight was only a story and a story that kept me from being who I wanted to be.  As powerful as our subconscious mind is, it can only bring to pass what we consider our likely story and make sure the events and activities in our lives keep it true.  Had I known about the accountability piece associated with success, I would have become accountable long ago and perhaps been farther along my journey to being an extraordinary coach with extraordinary results and clients.  What is your story? If you are obese, I can assure you that your likely story has to do with your weight.

Get an accountability partner and find out about the journey out of obesity.  Ignore the prevailing wisdom concerning weight gain and look better than you used to.  Despite all the hoopla involving diet and exercise, that may not even be the answer.  If you want it bad enough, a solution will surface as it did with me.  Remember that a coach is a person who gets you to do what you don't want to do so you can be who you want to be.  Doing the same for your clients means they cannot be obese.  No matter what else you are doing, if  you are obese, you are putting money into a bag full with holes. When you put the time in, you will get results you cannot even imagine.  When people you value begin to notice your weight loss and say certain things to you, will find emotions you did not even know you had.  Despite the fact that our looks are not that important, you will begin to feel so good about yourself, that your close friends will not be able to tell you any negative thing because you feel so great.  Getting rid of extra weight is a metaphor for your life as well when you realize that there are things or people you have been carrying around in your life that do not serve you.   Weighing less is like having old clothes you have not worn for years on the off chance you will be able to wear them again which you will not.  Resolve to get rid of those old clothes and get back down to fighting weight and you will be much closer to becoming an extraordinary coach.  I am not saying that being obese is right or wrong or even good or bad.  But ask yourself what about it is working for you, what about it is not working for you, what is missing in your life as a result and finally, what is next.   Apply those distinctions first to obesity and then the rest of your life and business and watch yourself soar to new heights.

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