Thursday, January 15, 2015
Coaches' Corner~Network Marketing
If you're like me, and chances are good that you are since you are reading this, you are familiar with the variations of pitches that are included to make networking marketing and attraction option. Your clients are also being inundated with business opportunities that use the networking marketing platform. No doubt you have heard that by age 65 most Americans will be "dead, broke or still working." You have heard that 97% of Americans do not achieve the American dream and that corporate America is also a pyramid with the CEO atop it and that the smart money is on being atop your own pyramid. Many of these approaches are time-worn and no longer effective. When you are coaching your clients, some of these concepts will have to be managed for your client to succeed in their business. There are other strategies that are even older than network marketing that are ineffective and believe it or not some of them are still effective. You may need some imaginative ways of making this plain to your clients.
If you have not had a network marketing experience to write home about, you, as a coach, may be blaming anything from your lousy market to your upline to even criticizing yourself for not being aggressive enough. Take a moment or two and consider some of the ideas presented in this blog and adopt those that resonate with you. The truth is that there is a concept that cream always rises to the top. No matter what industry you choose, there is only a small percentage of the people that excel in it. If you are familiar with the 80/20 rule, you know that only a few people provide the success of anything. 20 percent of the people in your organization are responsible for 80% of the productivity. In fact 20% of the activity that you do in your business account for 80% of the success you enjoy. Plainly and simply 20% of your conscious thought amount to 80% of the action you take. Coaching your clients through their failures and disappointments requires skill negotiation of the thin string between the two extremes.
In short, your clients must understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch. There is no elevator to must take the stairs. You will not get to a place where your results are instantaneous and energy is always needed to produce energy. There must always be a seedtime and harvest strategy in operation no matter what your business is. The way to succeed in network marketing coaching is to make your client aware that the startup costs of most network marketing companies can be misleading. You absolutely must be able to sustain yourself until your business takes off. The secret of network marketing is to have a network that believes in you and follows the simple instructions for most companies. If you do not achieve phenomenal success in your first few days of a network marketing company, then it becomes your job to find people that actually have a market that has a use for your product. No business succeeds without some investment and that investment can be dollars or energy of some kind. Coaching your clients along this continuum can be daunting considering what they are being told by people already in the company. The folks in the company have already drunk the kool-ade and want everyone else to drink it too so they might not be the place to get the most reliable information.
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