From time to time buzz words invade our head space and one such buzz word of late is "massive action." For a coach, exactly what it does mean is sometimes unclear. Massive action more often than not is referring to marketing efforts. There are many ways to market including but not limited to text message marketing, email marketing, video marketing, authoring books, social media marketing and the like. Many of us, if not all of us keep our phones or mobile devices with us all the time so whatever type of marketing we use must also be mobile. What exactly is massive about that? Consider the following.
How many thoughts do you have per day? The research says that we have nearly 50 thoughts per day or 48.6. That adds up to 70,000 thoughts per day. How many of them amount to anything? I suppose that to say even 1 per hour amounts to anything. We know that thoughts are things and anything in the physical realm begins first as a thought. Since the overwhelming majority of thoughts do not amount to much, it is safe to say that we do not notice most of them. On average, women speak about 20,000 words per day and men speak a measly 7,000 words per day. How many of them amount to anything? I think we can agree that a lot less than 1% really amount to much. Combine that with the fact that we remember very little of the words we do say and you see that speaking can be considered as a waste of time when evaluating our ROI. Evaluate the benefit of the words you spoke just this morning and you will see what I mean. Despite the low percentages of our speaking and our thinking, who among us would eliminate speaking and thinking from our activities as not being worth it? None of us would. We would simply improve the quality of the thoughts and words and keep on stepping, right?
If we look at marketing the way we look at speaking and thinking we can safely draw a similar analogy. Much of our marketing will not be seen let alone noticed. The massive action strategy certainly holds water in this case. Just as you don't need a lot of words to be effective and 1 thought can change a life and even the entire world, your marketing efforts need to be seen by a small number of people but it has to be a lot of content. Like sales efforts in the past, you only need a few responses. All the products you see comes from one idea. The light bulb came from one idea. The computer came from one idea so marketing, unlike speaking and thinking, needs to be focused but it needs to be massive. Grant Cardone, the breakthrough sales trainer puts it clear when he says that your biggest problem is obscurity. You cannot post a small number of posts and expect your business to soar. You must be ubiquitous in the marketplace and become a household name. Since only a small percentage of your content will be seen, you must post a lot of it. In social media, you must be so social that people recognize you when they see you in person. Your massive actions ought to be email campaigns, Facebook posts, Linkedin posts and articles, videos and speaking engagements and you must be continually busy. It is by the massive action of marketing that you will become known. As a young man, I was always told it is not "what you know" but "who you know" and that has now changed to being "who knows you." The only way you are going to be known is through the massive action of marketing.
Some of us, myself included, are concerned that if we are seen too much, we will turn people off or become irrelevant and there may be some truth to that. It is unlikely that you can market enough to turn anyone off because your biggest problem is obscurity. Secondly, if you turn anyone off, they are probably not in your niche anyway. It is perfectly acceptable that some people will never become your customers become you will never become some people's customer. Resolve to step up your marketing efforts because you have nothing to lose. If you are spending inordinate amounts of time making sales calls, do not fret. The reason you are not getting much response is that the folks you are calling are making sales calls too. You massive efforts in your marketing efforts will attract the attention of your target customers and they will call you. Consider spending more time providing content and marketing in your niche and your business will grow as a result. In a service delivery industry such as coaching, lots of video can only help too. By seeing your videos, many of your target market will even call you and you spend less time convincing those who do call. The ones who do not resonate with you will not even call after seeing you on video. Massive action=great marketing.
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