Becoming a business coach has literally changed my life. Of all the things I have done in my life, and of all the careers I have undertaken, becoming a business coach has been the most profitable in more than monetary ways. It has taught me that no one is immune to the looking good, being right syndrome, which can be sometimes very destructive. We are also victims of our own drugs, for lack of a better term. The worst thing that a pusher can do is to use his own drugs, because he uses up his profits. That makes him a poor business man.
It may be a crass example, but it is indicative of what I want to share with you in this blog today. As an extraordinary coach, you are not only responsible to produce extraordinary behavior, you are responsible to demonstrate extraordinary behavior in that you to need to be extraordinary. By putting yourself under the pressure to become extraordinary, you do a couple things. You are not allowed to indulge in the snap judgments that average people make a habit of doing. You are not allowed to develop resistance when someone is saying something to you that fails only in the fact that you didn't think of yourself.
In an odd sort of a way, we defend our ideas to the death no matter how silly they are just because they are our ideas. Oftentimes when people make suggestions to us, we resist these suggestions no matter how much sense they make. That's because we're not responding to the suggestion or the amount of sense that it makes. We are responding to the fact that someone other than us said it. In fact, it is been my belief for a long time that we are not really interested in hearing what someone else has to say. We just want to say what we have on our minds, and then we're ready to move on to the next opportunity to say something.
Just recently, on one day before I was to do this workshop, I was all set to go, so I thought. I had my idea how to start the workshop. I had the material I was going to present, and I had decided it was going to be a great workshop. Little did I know that even though I had decided it was going to be a great workshop, I had just begun to do the actual planning of the workshop. Less than 24 hours before the workshop is to take place, I call my business partner and I'm chatting with my business partner. She makes her first suggestion to me.
I could feel the ire within me rising up. I could feel the resistance rising up, because I'm familiar with it. I'm over 60 years old, right? I also am smart enough to know that it's rising up because someone else is saying it, not because the ideas don't make sense. Now ultimately the things I do in my life benefit me or I would be an insane person, which is also true about you. On the way to me getting benefit is me helping someone else. By delivering a whizzbang of a workshop that everyone would be excited about, ultimately I win. In between me and my victory are the people sitting in the room.
My business partner was very instrumental in the people in the room getting a good workshop that day. After speaking to my business partner for a short while, I revamped my entire workshop. Now mind you, that's not to say that I didn't give any time to preparation, because I did. What it is to say is that she brought some things to my mind that was in my mind lying dormant that I hadn't thought of. As a result, it woke me up to the greatness that I could deliver my attendees.
As an extraordinary coach, always be open to hearing new things. You don't have to adopt them. You're not going to be seduced into doing something you don't want to do, so make it a habit to listen rather than go with your first mind and resist. You must realize that anything that comes to you, it's coming to you because you brought it. If you don't like it or you don't feel warm towards it, it's not that what's coming to you is wrong. Don't make the mistake of thinking that what's coming to you is someone else's attempt at thwarting your progress. You need to change your mind so that what's coming to you benefits you. Changing your mind is something that you can do. You simply decide to do so.
When the people are in divorce battles and they have complications and unable to come to agreements with the other side of the divorce, they could be fighting for days. They can have lots of legitimate reasons where they can't agree. But then they go to court and the judge makes a decision, and both people say okay. Both people just simply live with what the judge says, even though the judge knows neither of them. The fact that you can simply decide to do something, you can simply decide not to resist. As far as I'm concerned, that is a no-brainer.
I hope this blog has helped you, and if you know someone that is a professional resister, go ahead and help them by turning them on to this blog. I end this blog like I love to end all of my blogs, by inviting you to have a good time until the next time.